Privacy and Policy

Privacy and Policy

We understand and respect your interest in the privacy and security of any personal information you provide online when visiting the website. This Privacy Policy explains our commitment to the confidentiality and security of your personal information both when you visit the website and if you decide to become a customer.

The type of information we collect about you when you place an order or register on our website includes:

1. Your email address

2. Your first and last name

3. Telephone number

4. Street address, city, state and ZIP code

5. Pertinent information specific to an event or activity

More about E-mail and postal addresses

If you provide us with your email and/or postal address and do not opt out, you may receive periodic communications from us with information about new products, services or upcoming events.

If you later decide that you no longer wish to receive such messages, each email we send will contain an "unsubscribe" link. Simply click on this link and you will be unsubscribed. You can also let us know by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To help us identify you correctly (many names are similar), please include your full name and address and any email addresses that may be associated with your record. This will help us to accurately locate your information in our file. This information will only be used to respond to your request.

If you would like to see the contact information we have on file for you, please visit one of our retail locations or send an email to the address above.

Periodic updates

We respect your privacy. All information collected on this site is kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, shared or reused without your permission. Any information you give us will be held carefully and will not be used in any way that you have not consented to.